
from Everywhere member since December 2016

Programmer, Sysadmin, Designer, App Developer, Systems Architect, Geek. You may have seen me spin my Visual Poi (v1, v3 mini) at Symbiosis, Burning Man, California/Nevada Raves, Thailand, Myanmar and now around Amsterdam. I generally always/only spin my own patterns, have been creating them for years usually with creative use of negative space. It really ups the "wow" factor if you ask me. I'm available to spin poi (fire/glow/pixel) at events private or public, I'll do it free of charge in exchange for admission and food/drinks because I enjoy performing. And I usually design custom patterns with logos, or band/DJ names for events I attend. I'm not allowed to upload all the patterns I've made for some private events, but I'm making a point to upload all the patterns for public-ish events that I've made. Please note: Some of my patterns were designed for the v1 visual poi, and some for the v3 mini.

67 patterns uploaded +641 total rating 6782 downloads of his work

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