ninja turtles b

Profile photo House Karl on 2022/12/28


Raph was my least favorite, I didn't like his attitude. I always resonated more with Leo. Also I played the heck out of turtles 2 and 3 for the OG Nintendo. Here's another little fact about me. I love doing poi. I love the countless hours I've spent editing and creating images, the time spent on light toys composer, the smiles I've gotten on the street, and the free drink I've gotten at bars. I know there has to be a way I can make an abundant living at this..... I imagine it's probably going to involve social media in some capacity. But to tell the truth I kinda feel stuck right now. That said, there's nothing worse than sitting around waiting for the world to change. I need to learn some "side hustle" (i hate that term.... heard it too much) to get things started. I've heard it said that "faith without works is dead" which means that you gotta take action and not just dream. Well working on my images is a small form of action so I can take pride in that. What a weird venue to share my thoughts in right? I just noticed no one else was using this website in this way. I feel like I'm unique in that regard. Does anyone even read these? Doesn't matter. I'm having fun.


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last year
A little too Raph.