House Karl's supreme technique

Profile photo House Karl on 2022/12/27


I'll take this opportunity to talk about myself. I love poi, absolutely love it...but sometimes it's hard to stand out from the crowd. I'd love to find a way to monetize my creativity in other ways apart from emailing seniors centers and asking if they have an entertainment budget so i can play "the entertainer" on my bluetooth speaker and charge $100 or 150 for a 45 minute set. It's tough to have motivation when you're feeling down... which I hear is caused by low dopamine levels. However, I do know that there is always something a person can do to improve that. Put down the smokes, stop drinking, cold exposure, exercise, and socialize in healthy ways. Poi fits into many of those activities, although I will admit to spinning with a smoke hanging out of my mouth because I though it looked cool. People are motivated by funny things, I'm a grown adult and I've done things since c-19 that I never thought I'd do when I was in my 20's and all about health and fitness. Life is so weird sometimes, but here we are. This was not planned, this was an epic rant for the ages. Deep down I know who I am and I've got insight into the architecture of this reality.... but having insight doesn't make me immune from feeling a bit lonely at times. There's this idea that masculine men don't talk about their feelings....ever. Well I don't know if I agree with that. Today I'm lonely and philosophical about it.... not like anyone is gunna read this. but ya know, who knows... maybe in a few weeks I'll be ruthless, making money, and calling the shots in the dating market with skill and tenacity. okay well, later.


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