famous faces S (angry)

Profile photo House Karl on 2022/12/25


I'd be mad too if i had gum stuck in my hair. Actually I had long hair once and it was about 8 inches past my shoulders..... so anyway, I was in the shower and there was a big ole clump of it on my shoulder.... all knotted up like and suspicious as heeeell. Now me being distracted by the steamy chlorine reduced flow (i use a point of use charcoal filter) mistook my own hair for a spider and freaked out, jumped, slipped, smacked my elbow on the tub and got quite a good scare. Not long after that I shaved my head completely bald and then felt bad that I didn't donate my amazing locks to cancer patients for wigs and stuff. People are weird sometimes.... I just try and be as accepting as possible. That's why when someone's behavior doesn't comport with my expectations or preferences (especially when it's directed toward me) I see the pain in them... not the evil. Pretty sure that's called compassion. Am I wrong on this? i feel like I'm right.


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